Kids & Fitness

Why is it so important for kids to be & stay active?

It has been proven that kids who are active throughout their childhood are more likely to have an active and healthy lifestyle as an adult, it will give them a good base for strong and healthy muscles, bones, and joints. 
Being active helps prevent diseases such as diabetes, keep obesity at bay and very importantly has a positive impact on mental health.
Hormones such as serotonin are released along with other endorphins when we exercise which is a great way of keeping kids’ moods under control. 

With society being how it is nowadays the younger generation aren’t as active as their predecessors, this is mostly likely due to how technology has progressed so quickly over the past few years and is much more accessible.
Technology is at everyone’s fingertips; kids TV can now be watched 24 hours a day due to the ever-increasing list of streaming services. In addition, hours can be spent scrolling through phones and instead of going out and playing, kids will FaceTime their friends instead which means that they can be glued to a screen for hours on end without even realising it. 

It is not a surprise that kids being sedentary has become even more prevalent over the past 18 months because of the pandemic, our brains have been wired to believe that if we step outside that we will become ill. Numerous lockdowns, schools being closed and not being able to see friends & family means that kids have been shut away and screen time has increased even more that the usual which has taken its toll massively on their physical and mental health. This has been hugely out of our control but now that we have that control back it is so important to get kids back into exercising.

Have you noticed that after a kid has spent time behind a screen, that they can be unresponsive, grumpy, and trying to prise their screen away from them can be like it is the end of the world for them?
Have you noticed that after a kid has been exercising whether it be playing outside with their friends or playing a sport, that they are literally buzzing with energy? They want to tell you about the fun they’ve had and then they have a great night’s sleep?
Which one seems like the more positive outcome not only for the kids but also for yourself?

Kids should be doing 1 hour of active exercise at least 3 days a week, this will help with mood boosting which will impact their mental health in a positive way, challenge them mentally and physically, make them stronger, keep them at a healthy weight and set them up for a good active, healthy adulthood.

Check out our “Teen & Mini MegaBox” program to get your kids back into being active. Find all the information on our website , we look forward to helping kickstart the youth of today's fitness journey.


Energy balance: CALORIES!


MegaBox myth busting: TARGETED FAT LOSS!